Biblioburro The Amazing Donkey Libraries Of Colombia

Biblioburro The Amazing Donkey Libraries Of Colombia

Biblioburro The Amazing Donkey Libraries Of Colombia 

in Colombia there is a guy who rides on two donkeys, one is called Alpha, the other is called Bet AlphaBet.

And the two donkeys are the world's first libraries.

Who is this guy and why does a library? And who is luis soriano? 

In the remote town in Colombia there is luis soriano. Year's ago, luis was just a village teacher who saw many kids grow up without even reading a book.

They lived Their whole lives in farm's.
on remote mountains far away from education or knowledge. The children's of the farmers have no access to book. so he made a decision if they don't have any knowledge, he will bring knowledge to them on his donkeys through his books.



so he took two of his donkeys, named them alpha and bet, together they are Alphabet.

he put his books on a saddle and rode 5 hours everyday to jungles and rivers to places where the children’s, to bring books to them who were so poor. They had to wait for a man on a donkey to be able to read.

luis did this every single year for 23 years to deliver thousands and thousands of books. He didn’t quite even when he lost his leg. Luis and his biblioburro made amazing history. Luis Soriano still alive. 

Glee Speech 



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